Friday, July 24, 2009

Analysis on Maningning Miclat's Laughter


He left me
when he could
no longer stand the laughter

that I gave him
while he begged me not
to keep memories

alive in poems
to hurt myself
and make those
who read

sad. I laughed
when he shared
his life with me
while holding him

to make it easier
and maybe
less painful
to live on.

Laugh! I told
him, but
could not get
his attention.

Laugh! I asked
him, but
he left in

And left
before he understood
the courage
that held my laughter.

I love the poem. Although it's not about happiness. Even if we see the words laugh and laughter, it contradicts Maningning Miclat's feelings.The irony of the word laughter means her sadness and sorrow. I think her only way to forget her sorrows is laughter. Because in the poem I laughed when he shared his life with me while holding him to make it easier and maybe less painful to live on.I think her laughter here is the man. But since the man don't understand and left her, she really is sorrowful.